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Rusty And Would-Be Warriors



What a day! Glorious blue skies and sunshine. I'm in a good mood, the young lady leaning out of her upstairs window smoking wasn't in the mood to criticise me when I walkd past, the ginger cat rubbing against the brick wall didn't run away, and this has to have been the quietest saturday night for a long time.


Apart from the usual renditions of the 'F' word up until three o'clock, but hey, kids like to play don't they? All those tiny little dramas were played out on the street again last night. Cinderella left her shoe on the pavement, but given her screeching disapproval of her boyfriends chivalry and a barbed appraisal of his manliness, I doubt Prince Charming is going looking for her.


Incidentially, there's a fashion around here to pronounce the 'F' word by using O instead of U. It sounds more streetwise apparently, and the use of this pronounciation turns you instantly into a hard-as-nails bad boy. And remember to use the word in every sentence twice. As loud as you can. Use in very quiet areas and late at night for maximum effect,

Forlorn and Unloved

Came across this site elsewhere. Absolutely fascinating. It seems appropriate on this gloriously sunny day to see pics of another, far away, in a place of sleeping warriors...




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