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Parts and Partners



The prospect of Work Experience Day is something I've come to dread. Every week we file into the classroom and spend the day wallowing in retro-infant school nostalgia. Needless to say, I was expecting another lesson better suited to four year olds.


To my pleasant suprise our advisor, TB, brought out a pile of Mecanno sets and tried to give us a lesson about following instructions. As if I listened. I was too busy enjoying the delights of pseudo-car manufacture from kit parts.


The only other person interested in doing so was the guy who does maths for a hobby. Maybe he has the right idea considering he spends the whole day oblivious to our teacher, deeply engrossed in bipolarnomial fractions or whatever it is he does. The funny thing is that his girlfriends father is a maths teacher. One suspects his continued dating of that particular young lady is subject to sufficient homework. Learning can be fun after all.


Anyhow I successfuly built the chassis, he finished of the bodywork. Teamwork! Our incredibly sporty looking car (sort of like an Alfa Romeo with holes in the bodywork - for downforce, of course) was a success. And the other two teams failed to complete their project. Maths and Second Childhood in perfect harmony.


Not In Perfect Harmony

The saga of Miss M continues. After her extraordinary and explicit behaviour the other week I had no idea what to expect. Apparently her paramour, despite seeing her all week, has not yet consummated his relationship. Allegedly. Strange thing is though that however much he denies they're together, they always are. And he has claw marks on his back.


Letter of the Week

Rather incautiously Miss M wrote a love letter to her reluctant partner. "I love you loads XXXXXX" it said. I know this because boys will be boys and the message was intercepted by our agents operating undercover. Many dole-seekers died to bring us that information...


Unfortunately boys will be naughty boys, so the message was delivered to Miss S instead. She was genuinely pleased with the news she had an admirer. Was it me? Nope. KS? Nope. Him? Nope. What about that one? Nope? Then who..... The penny dropped. Of course we all chuckled raucously but they both seem happy with the situation. Errr.... Right.... That's a happy ending then....


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