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Goings On, Ghostly Or Otherwise



Today was a little dull at work. It always is when you know the weather outside is bright and sunny (mostly because the managers are away enjoying it thus they're not directing your efforts). So I spent much of the day restacking piles of cardboard boxes. Another thrilling day in my life.


However, I noticed some of the odd architectural features of the stockroom. The long dark alcove behind the air conditioning ducts. The empty room beside the fire escape that the stairs don't quite reach. It gives our working enviroment a quirky feel. I've already explored those areas already, but KS got curious and attempted to investigate the alcove on his own. His attempt to climb through the railings in a very restricted space rather than climb over them as I did was hilarious. Never have I seen a guy as tall as he is wedged in like that. He was beginning to think he was trapped, at least until he listened to my jibes and realised I was right after all and climbed over the railings between the boxes and ducts.


"Err... That was spooky..." He said. He meant of course that darkened space left unused. Of course he's right. It is spooky. There's a sense of timelessness back there, like a tomb uncovered. Anyone would think the stockroom was haunted. What was that?...


As if on cue a pile of boxes fell over. Definitely the work of an annoyed spook. A lady from downstairs came up to collect some stock and I made a quip about the stockroom being haunted.


"Yes. It is." She said. Huh?


"Oh yes." Replied her companion, "The ghost of Alice".


Wow. Our stockroom is genuinely haunted. That explains a great deal about the strange movement of stock that goes on when we're not around. No wonder no-one likes working in there. And I thought it was just me!


The usual Soap Opera Story

KS is back with his girlfriend, even after she broke his bed again. I know exactly what you're thinking... However his former girlfriend, Miss G, passed us both this afternoon and wouldn't talk to me. Erm... Was it something I said?


Talking about soap opera stories in real life, have you ever read those letters to agony aunts that the public send in to newspapers? They are hilarious. There was one recent one where a woman slept with two men the same day and now agonises over who the baby's father is. She confesses she was desperate for a child and was only trying to maximise her chances. Congratulations, young lady, a stunning success. Hope you and the father are happy ever after, assuming you eventually manage to pay for the DNA test to settle the issue. Isn't child-rearing expensive these days?



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