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Ch ch ch ch changes...



February...what the hell! Ya flew by me without a bye or leave. Then again, it's probably for the best, as it sets up a first half of 2010 that is keeping me busy. Pedal to the proverbial metal.


And this is all leading up to... *cue the trumpets* my trip to Italy! Yes, the Motherland is calling me, and I am heeding the call. Well, my parents, my godmother and her kids are, too. My parents will be there a total of 5 weeks, me only 2, but oh what a 2 weeks. My parents are renting a villa just outside of Sienna, but I'm flying a few days early to Rome to see how much I can take in over a couple of days. (I'd love to stay longer, but I have very little money to spend, so I'm saying that this is just a taster course of the two areas.)


The best part of the trip is what I'm planning in the middle. See, 2010 is the centennial of the last of my great-grandparents immigrating to the US, so I want to go up to Lombardy to see where 2 of them came from: Ferno and Magnago, just outside of Milan. I'm trying to get a hold of the one cousin my great-aunt kept in contact with, but this is proving difficult. But at any rate, it would be awesome to go there, see where we're registered as citizens (newly minted, as of last year), and if we're lucky to see where my great-grandparents came from. Granted, in the 100 years since they left these towns have changed from po-dunk hicksvilles to suburbs of Milan, but still.


Aw no, it's 8am. Need to get a move on for the day. Oh how this day has already flown, and I've only been up an hour.


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