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Off The Course



Today was another session at the Work Experience Programme, in which we are supposed to fit a jobsearch in between the various group activities. I always find this very frustrating because what I'd like to do is turn up and get on with it, without all these infant school distractions.


Todays distraction was about presentations, and our group (composed of the noisier elements of the class, myself included) were given a brief to assemble a presentation on facilities and assistance for drug and alcohol abuse. I did make a valiant effort to organise things... I did try... But to no avail.


Miss T was there, bright and bouncy, and totally self absorbed as she always is. She and her gang wanted an excuse to get out of the classroom and wander around doing something they considered more interesting, which amounted to light hearted socialising with an official excuse. In the end I let them go and promptly they all vanished out the door. Fine with me. I found lots of stuff on the internet concerning the topic at hand.


Now that sort of makes me sound like a party pooper. In my defence I have to say that Miss T was well on form today. Her constant need to be the center of attention is making her bolshy and scornful. She's literally starting confrontations for her own amusement. This time however she went too far. Not with me, I have to say, but rather her need for attention resulted in a disciplinary followed by an ejection from the premises ten minutes later.


Miss T wasn't the only one. One of her friends, a skeletal blonde girl whose experience of life, the universe, and everything makes her uniquely unable to understand anything beyond a late night party, followed her shortly after. Short attention span Miss M has been warned. And warned again in case she'd forgotten.


The Great KS Mystery Solved

The absence of KS from work was due to a sudden bout of flu (which I probably inadvertently gave him) that kept him in bed for two days. He looks properly cured, fit, and able to resume his role as the King of Banter. Tomorrow I shall need to stay alert, to stay banter-ready. He needs to stay at work, because he's already used up all his absence allowance and could easily be dismissed from the course.


In fact after todays session we both both strolled down the hill, engaged in steady banter (the sort of non-intellectual non-stop gag kind that isn't funny to anyone else in the entire cosmos). Cheeky beggar reckons my home is in a crime ridden area. How did he know?


Good News

Our resident sex-change person has landed a job interview in Bath. I wish her(?) well and hope she(?) lands that job.


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