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De Re Rubbish



Some bright individual has now decided that society would be a better place if there was zero rubbish. What a wonderful image. Almost reminds you of those whitewashed cottages hiding in the midst of verdant rose gardens. Don't see many of those these days. I think they fell into disuse about the same time Ealing Studios went bust.


The trouble is of course our beloved socialist government, who now have the power to enter your home and arrest you for littering it. These days we're not even allowed to drop litter on landfill sites. It isn't just me who's getting a tad concerned about this messianic mission to recycle everything we use.


So what can I do to alleviate the eco-disaster of supermarket packaging? Well.. I could starve of course... I'd be somewhat wealthier for a short while. But wouldn't that reduce sales and put lots of people on the dole queue? What's cheaper? Proper rubbish clearance or lots of dole claimants? Before long we'll be fined for sitting down. And this in a country where despite rising prices and falling standards of service, politicians of all parties are talking about raising taxes between 20 and 40%. They really do think they can spend money better than we can. Which is rubbish, considering the mess they've gotten into claiming expenses from our paypackets.


You know, this has less to do with ecology and climate than micro-managing private lives in some Orwellian agenda. Britain really isn't Middle England anymore.


Rubbish Performers

I saw a newspaper article today about the Simon Cowell franchise, television shows like X Factor and Britains Got Talent. It seems that the entrants are exploited. No! Surely not? Shock horror!


Our five minutes in the spotlight remain a tantalising window to a new life in many peoples minds. It's because show business appears glamorous and the activities of various celebrities seem to imply that our hum drum lives will be so much better when we become famous.


As someone who's kicked around the lower echelons of that business (and been kicked out of it, well and truly), I can assure the public that their dreams will be just as much a nightmare no matter how many television cameras broadcast it to the world. But hey, who's listening to me? I can imagine the same ideals, hopes, and dreams were the motivation of volunteer gladiators in Roman times. Most of them died a death too.


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