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Indiana Caldrail and the Temple of Cardboard



Time to start work on another row of cardboard boxes, all slightly deformed by the weight of those above them, and recognised only by marker pen grafitti. Stockchecking isn't rocket science. Open the box, count the contents, make a record of the result. It isn't always souch a welcome task however. In one warehouse a large bin stuffed with nearly eight hundred paperback books required a confirmation of the expected total and the bored individual left a penciled message "Probably" next to the optimistic figure.


Nonetheless stockchecking requires the process is completed, so I carried on mindlessly investigating each box for accurracy. When I got to the back wall, I pulled boxes away to reveal the Lost Alcove. A space behind the pillar, forgotten by department store civilisation and hidden beneath the wood pulp undergrowth.


It looked like a burial site. A suit laid out in a plastic wrapper, lying on top of piled carpet mats in a crude parody of an ancient burial. An odd sight indeed.


Schooling of the Week

Our Work Experience Program is turning out to be remedial jobsearching one oh one, for people who don't know how to search for a job. Despite the fact I've been searching regularly for more than one and a half years and gotten reasonably good at it, my claims advisor doesn't believe a word I tell her (especially when I told her I was a Lord - oh boy that made her face screw up in disgust). So now I have to learn how to write CV's, become aware of employment issues and legislation, and most importantly you scruffy load of wasters, look smart.


Of course there's one chap who turns up always dressed in a shirt and tie. He is of course the perfect office assistant, both in appearance and manner, but even he can't find gainful employment. Neither can the unemployed person on the same table as me who was asked to cease making deals on his mobile phone and move his expensive red BMW so others could park their cheap japanese hatchbacks.


Good grief I've got another eleven weeks of this nonsense. If only this was something just a little more adventurous... Be careful what you wish for, Caldrail...


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