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New Faces



My semi-supervisor, J (he 's in charge of us unemployed placements on site, even though he's an ordinary rankless pleb himself) told me this morning that we were going to have another new starter today, in order to help with the buildup toward the Big Stocktake in a couple of weeks time. That doesn't bode well. The only three I know without placements were refused access to the last premises they turned up at. Oh boy...


Later J passed by and explained tghe new boy wouldn't be starting today after all. It seems he was 'mountain-biking' on the weekend and broke his hand, so he's off to the doctor today. Broken hand? Isn't that slightly painful? And he didn't notice until this morning?


No, we weren't comvinced either. He's not coming back.


During my break I wearily trudged into the rest area, where a fersh faced young lady awaited her induction to the store on her first day. For a moment she wondered if I was to be her guide.... Stop laughing at the back...


Car of the Week

I received this courtesy of Top Gear (No, we ain't on first name terms! :D )




Wow. That really is a stunning vehicle. That's the trouble with car manufacturers. They build loads and loads of spheroidal tin cans that sell by the truck load and they still can't make 200mph supercars affordable. Come on Japan! We know you can do it! Make the world a better place.... Make thousands of these supercars a week so they only cost


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