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My Sunday Sermon



It's a properly celtic morning today. Cold, certainly, that sort of insidious damp chill you can never feel warm in whatever you do. I look out the window at the pale blue sky, static undulations of blue-grey alto-cumulus tinged with gold, and that grey claggy horizon with a distant mountain range of cumulus far off in the west.


It's also a very quiet day. Sundays are sometimes like that, and with these dull grey mornings you usually get a very subdued response from people. One old chap said good morning to me. Well, okay, he murmured a greeting, but I'm not sure he meant it.


Naked Truth

If I recall correctly, somewhere in the Book of Genesis (the Bible, not the memoirs of a rock band) there's a bit where Eve, naughty girl that she was, persuades Adam to eat on the apple of knowledge and it's then he notices he's naked and starts covering up. God notices the change in fashion, loses his rag when he finds out what the two have been up to, and promptly evicts them from the premises.


Personally, I think God got upset because he couldn't ogle Eve anymore. We were made in his image after all. On the other hand, according to Scientific American, the loss of body hair during our evolution was the trigger for brain development, so in fact the Bible was right. It is clever to go naked.


Then again, I'm reminded of the prevailing temperature and wonder what the Police might make of me strolling down to the shops with a smug smile and little else. Then again... Having the benefit of a evolved brain and eaten the fruits of knowledge, I already know the answer to that.


Now some people, especially the fans of the Bible and associated works, might point out that Adam was ashamed of his nakedness when apple juice turbocharged his intellect. Ashamed? In the company of buxom young Eve? My scientific appraisal is that Adam was not well endowed. Well, no matter, humanity has made up for it since.


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