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Sex And Travel



Bored... Very bored... Okay, lets turn on the television. You never know, there might actually be something worth watching. I think most of us have noticed the irony of having hundreds more channels and hundreds less to watch.


As it happened, I stumbled on a program about sexually predatory women. Now, before you think I'm about to embark on a fantasy, this was a program that looked at the the changing morality in modern times with female affluence and internet anonymity, not to mention outright changes in culture.


From a purely male perspective I found it a little sinister and possibly demeaning. That is of course because of the loss of male prerogative. These women have influence and they know it, and since the male instinct to copulate is rather a strong one, the desire for gratification makes some men willing to become subservient to a degree I find both saddening and disturbing. They might argue they're getting laid and I'm not. Well, that's a very superficial observation and one based on a very immature idea that men who have sex, sex, sex, and more sex are somehow better. The psychological feelgood factor of having sex is, in a very warped way, rewarding these men for satisfying womens demands in a sort of role reversal. It really is a case of if you can't beat them, bonk them too.


The whole thing is very self-indulgent, and the risks involved must be obvious. These people, both male and female, enthuse about how great it is to bonk strangers senseless at the drop of a hat. Affluent people using sex not only for gratification, but as a mark of status, seeking social inclusion amongst the beautiful, wealthy, exclusive, and oh yes... The ones that get laid for the asking too.


One expert on this trend announced that some people believed it was a reinvention of ancient Rome, when all it really amounts to is group sex in Romford. I think he rather missed the point. The orgies of the Roman Empire were absolutely no different to this modern explicit culture. Not because palace rooms were full of very important people in expensive orgies, but because they were people with nothing better to do than get high on sex and secretly snigger at poor people not getting any.


Am I envious? Do I desire their exclusivity? Actually, no, because they so desperately want me to.


Extra Miles

My Work Experience Advisor used to work as a teacher. She escaped from that permanently infantile regime to work in one that treats adult jobseekers like children. More questions, more forms, more politically correct goals and objectives. Amongst those primary school tasks was one she forwarded as "Must seek to go the extra mile."


Eh? What? Does that mean I have to go to another workplace further away? She did mention going to a warehouse in Wootton Bassett, but although the government insist I must be ready to travel for up to an hour and a half to get to a job, even the few miles to the nearest town might take me half an hour a day. Has the government realised how expensive public transport is? Do I really want to spend my profit paying to get to the workplace to earn it?


Or am I expected to break the boundaries of human performance on benefits plus


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