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All Very Taxing



Today was my first day back in the workplace for twenty months more or less. Twenty months!


So how was it? Compatred to the heavily male orientated and sometimes belligerent and nasty warehouse enviroment, it was suprisingly light hearted. It's local, I only have to walk down the road to get there, and there's a quite a co-operative atmosphere.


You would think that was perfect. Well... No, because it's exhausting work. It isn't just that I've been out of the workplace for so long, it's also because I'm always lifting above the shoulder, so you spend the day performing physical exercise that an army sergeant-major could only dream of.


In fact, I'm soooo tired... soooo tired.... zzzzz... zzzzzz.... Owww.... Okay, I'm awake again.


Horseless Carriage

My Work Experience Programme Advisor (one of the two ladies who hand out all those endless forms) tells us that she although trained as a riding instructor she's no longer able to ride a horse. What? Got caught speeding in a 'trotting only' section of bridleway? Don't laugh. The only reason the government haven't made that a criminal offence is that because they haven't thought of bolting license plates to animals and taxing them.


She did however ask us about whether the roads were going to viable this week since she's driving in from outside Swindon.


Eh? Why would the roads be a problem? The winters over, dear, the snow's gone away, we're.... What?... Wednesday? Oh poo. Apparently Swindon is targeted by Siberian snowstorms again tomorrow. I have been warned. Especially since I have a job interview as well. You just know it's all going to go horribly wrong...


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