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Letting Go And Moving On



Only when I let go of what I am, can I become what I can be

Lao Tsu (400BC)


This afternoon I saw that piece of philosophy hung on an office wall. What a fascinating insight. What it should mean is that only by letting go of the past and any inhibitions learned can you progress. Unfortunately, the chinese fella who wrote this was only concerned with a positive application. It could just as easily mean that a man must hang on to success or fall by the wayside. Sorry, Lao, but you said it. Ultimately it all falls on what target we set ourselves and our determination to reach that goal. That's always been true, Chinese philosophy or not, but it overlooks the ranks of also-ran's. I speak from personal experience, so I would add...


Fate is the sum of all decisions and natural forces

Caldrail (1998)


Which one of us is right? You decide. Philosophy is such fun.


Back With The programme

I'm back with the programme. It's a mammoth exercise in bureaucracy as form after form is filled with silly questions like "What do you think this course will do for you?" appear (How should I know the answer - I haven't done the course yet. Who thinks this stufff up?)


Back In The Workplace

"Does anyone want to work in a stockroom?" The lady asked us, and I was one of three brave souls who volunteered. So armed with an excuse we trotted down the hill and into town for a placement interview which was, to say the least, very informal. The security guards looked at our scruffy and varied appearance as if we were aliens arriving to abduct the manager, but eventually they saw sense and let us behind closed doors.


That's how interviews should be. None of that endless dressing in ridiculous and impractical clothes that cost a fortune, none of that endless question and answer sessions designed to discover if you're an anarchistic layabout, none of those soul crushing rejections by email or letter. No fuss, no bother, just turn up, discuss the job, see the workplace, and be ready to turn up tomorrow morning.


I feel better already.


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