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Foxy Ladies and Other Matters



Yesterday I looked out the back window to view the monochrome vista of wintery Swindon. It was all pretty quiet. The garage mechanics had gone home, the yard was silent, and vehicles weren't moving on the streets about. Oho! There he is... Mr Fox, a fine russet furred specimen emerging from under the tall white fence that guards the old college site, where I imagine the Mr Fox has set up home.


He trotted up the slope without a care in the world, only breaking into a run to cross the road. Cunning little animal that he is, he knew there wasn't anyone about. Well he seems healthy enough in this cold snap.


Enjoying Music

Waiting for the library doors to open is a daily ritual observed in silence. We see the same old faces every day but never really get involved in conversation. Well, it is a library after all. This last morning however I heard singing. That tuneless rendition of a song being played in a personal stereo as an older woman sat by the window lost in sympathetic communion with her favourite pop band.


An old chap made a jovial comment "Good, isn't she?"


Oh? She won't win X-Factor. Need I say more?


Knight In Dull Leather

"Ummm... You couldn't help me out could you?" She said, leaning out across the dividing wall between our library cubicles, "I don't want to disturb you but I can't print this document... I'm such a technophobe..."


Sigh. Here I go again. I mean, is she for real? Since when did any red-blooded male of the species ever feel disturbed when a damsel is in distress? We're programmed by nature to render assistance at all costs. Never fear, maiden, I shall have thy document printed in but a jiffy. Have at you, computer! So I duly got her document to print, and she thanked me in that tone that makes a bloke feel all warm and useful.


It's at that point you decide that she really is very pretty and your anatomy is doing strange things. Then she smiles sweetly to inform you that your chances are zilch and her boyfriend is lurking dangerously close. You know, we humans give up too easily sometimes. Any other species would have had a big fight by then. I can see why the knights decided armour was ideal for a well dressed romance.


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