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Very Important People



My second battle has been fought. I went to the bank to have my title changed and curiously enough, the somewhat bored bank clerk merely sighed, dismissed my certificates and patents with "Yeah I've seen it" and promptly did the necessary changes on the screen. That was painless, though he wasn't any more impressed than anyone else. Guess he sees it all the time...


Now it didn't go all my own way. There's a load of notices and pamphlets at our local council that tell us they're keen on public service. Well it certainly looks encouraging, and I notice visiting VIP's get the red carpet, but us claimants? Stand over there ruffian.... Wait yer turn.... You! Get back into line!... Right, yo! That cubicle over there.... I'm sorry sir, but the rules say we can't do that....


Don't these people know I'm a VIC? (Very Important Claimant). Sigh. So it's back home to collect all the available evidence, stomp back inside in a right foul mood, and push my way through their officious and obstructive behaviour.


Our Council... Keeping plebs in place since 1896.


Hang on a minute....


Weather of the Week

It just isn't giving up. With warmer temperatures and rain due to cross the country, we've had snow overnight. Quite a fall too, inches of it.


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