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Blowing My Trumpet



The first battle has taken place and if I were honest, I didn't do too well. I'd warned my claims advisor that I was upgrading to a noble title, a statement she treated with polite dismissal, and when she called me Mister Caldrail - Well, I was duty bound to put her straight.

Unfortunately, she isn't impressed, and rather pointedly refused to change it unless I provided evidence. I duly returned an hour later with the necessary documentation and guess what? She was busy. Sounds to me like a certain lady needs a right royal kick up the bottom.


I also suspect this won't be the last time I encounter this sort of resistance. There's a tendency for people to regard up and mobile people (Me? Has anyone noticed I'm unemployed?) as upstarts who really ought to know their place. You know, that's the entire reason I got the title in the first place, to stick a finger in the face of the moral majority.


Not suprisingly, I'm going to get a few in my face too. What's new?


New Sound

My new neighbour has moved in downstairs. A mysterious, anonymous, unseen sort of person, but one with a keen desire to drill holes in the wall. So last evening he began drilling with gusto, obviously hoping to find oil or perhaps a small space on the wall large enough to hang something else. Aaargh! What a racket!


Well, I have noise making machinery too. So it's on with the heavy metal CD's and up the volume. These go up to eleven...


Frozen Britain Update

Nope. Given Up. Don't care. It's cold and slippery - what else do you need to know?


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