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Maybe Happy Maybe Sad...anyway I Can't Sleep



I can't stop thinking about that Viper longbow in Cabellas. I hope I do end up with it, and soon, before winter (I don't know of an indoor range around here, and we get alot of snow in Northeastern PA). I may end up with some used thing (I put my Pap on that one...it'll give him something to do) but I WILL HAVE ONE and I will not move to Minnesota next fall untill I do.I should get to bed, because I have school tomorrow (I wish I knew why I was taking two AP courses when I'm not even going to collage...I'm starting to regret that one lol) but I'm really not sleepy, so I guess I'll stay up and work on this some more untill I get tired. Or maybe I'll go play my flute. Staying up may just make sure I'm tired enough tomorrow to get to bed at the proper time. :lol:


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