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They're All At It You Know



I see a 41 year old ex-soldier at Sandhurst has had sex with a precocious 13 year old girl despite being warned by a female officer that the girl was dangerous. He's gotten off a harsh 14 year jail sentence because it turns out the youngster 'made all the running'.


Well maybe she did, but the bloke still went for it didn't he? It takes two after all. Sorry, but seducted or not, the man is old enough to know better. In a sense I do sympathise because I've encountered younger girls who fancy an attempt at hooking an older man, something I've avoided like the plague both to remain free of legal entanglements, eighteen year child support payments, and if I were honest, headaches. Nonetheless this man is guilty. I'm sorry, he just is. And the judge thought so too, leaving him with a suspended sentence for his lack of restraint.


I'm definitely not envious.


Naughty Scanners

With a resurgence in aircraft hijacking and bombing it isn't suprising that efforts are being made to deal with the very real threat to health and sfety in the skies. The American response is understandable if none too original, as they decide to put more people on board airliners with guns. Great. I might be paying hundreds of pounds to sit in a transatlantic shooting alley at some point. The British response is to take on board new technology that allows discreet searching with strange space ray scanners.


All very X-files and James Bond, but at least there;'s a practical point. Unfortunately the scanners are so good that you're left in no doubt about the subject being scanned, and someone has brought up the issue that these scanners infringe laws concerning sex and privacy. Can I accept the risk of people scrutinising my physical form, possibly recording images for posting on the internet for the world worlds entertainment? I'd have to say it's a lot less risky than running the gauntlet of religious zealots intent on bagging seven hundred virgins in the afterlife by blowing me up.


Mind you, since the terrorists manhood gets blown up in the process, methinks maybe his seven hundred virgins aren't going to be too impressed. So I'm not envious on this point, either.


Cultural Dress

Walking home through Swindons own moslem ghetto I notice a variety of cultural influences. For the most part, these people are vaguely westernised if somewhat distinctive. The Turkish community in particular all seem identical and I cabn't help wondering if it's one humungous family owning the street.


That said, I passed a pair of moslem girls in traditional garb that left only the eyes visible. Now, if they choose to follow that tradition as opposed to their menfolk demanding it, then I have no issue over it. But it all seems so.. What's the word?... Penal. Anyway the two girls seemed none to concerned at their reclusive lifestyle and jabbered away at each other in typical westernised gossip mode.


No, I'm still not envious. And that, it seems, is the point of hiding women in body socks. I am left curious though... Are these women seductive sirens of supernatural beauty? Or just too embarrasing to be seen in public? Oh hang, I mustn't criticise. I might be blown up in someone's quest to obtain post anhiliation sex.


She's Back Again

That irritating irish woman is in the library again. She likes to have conversations, which isn't a crime, but she also likes to talk very loudly.

For her a discussioin is something to savoured with a loudhailer. Imagine an upper class irish accent spoken very slowly at full volume? It just sets your teeth on edge.


Just In Case

Now you might be wondering if complete normality has return ed to Swindon. Nope, it's still cold, though today we're blessed with another sunny day. Last year when we had a snow fall we got glassy layer of ice across the town for our trouble, but this year it just hasn't happened, a result of the continued cold temperatures and lack of a thaw. But don't breath again, for the siberian weather isn't finished yet. Apparently there's another belt of snow preparing to mount an aerial invasion of the southern counties. So it looks like Yorkshire will just have to tolerate not being the toughest hardest hit county in Britain right now. Sorry about that.


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