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Siberian Swindon



As always the weather has dominated my British sensibilities. Our ever changing climate has been a bit different to the one predicted by long range forecasts during the last year, which told us of 'barbeque summers and mild winters'. Ho ho ho.


The culprit has been a static zone of high pressure keeping the warm jetstream from reaching our shores. I think we forget that Britain is on the same latitude as Labrador, and only that jetstream, a high altitude wind from the Carribean, keeps Britain from freezing in the Siberian temperatures we ought to be getting. (actually I should add that the ocean currents also help, but don't seem to be right now!)


Of course we're complaining about the cold. It is, literally, freezing here, but for the most part still quite mild and little less than -2 or -3 degrees C. Scotland has recorded a record low of -18 or so, and with the big freeze threatening to continue, they're now expecting a temperature of -20 degrees to come. Down south (and I notice the traditional Yorkshire scorn for us southern softies) things aren't quite that cold but then it's a lot colder than we're used to at this time of year. Brrrr-rr-rrr-rr-rr-rrr.


Yesterdays snow was unusual. In fact, it wasn't all that bad, coming down in spurts of wintery deluge but returning to a light spray of 'dusty' snow for much of the day, although I notice my car has collected a raft of snow on top of it seven or eight inches thick. For the most part everything else has now been trampled to a thin icy layer of grey slush, made worse by the bright cloudless morning freezing it solid. The sun is shining out there but you just know the same old pavements are going to be slippery. That said, the side road opposite my home is closed. The steep gradient is just too much for traffic to cope with in these conditions.


It must be said. Swindon has been very quiet these last two days, and obviously the weather has meant people are finding it difficult to come and go, and I overheard one lady yesterday lunchtime busy conversing on her mobile phone that the buses were stopping services at 2pm. Haven't seen any moving this morning either.


Due To Bad Weather

As it turned out I was tipped off that the Heritage Library (not the main one that I normally inhabit, but the national institution based in the old railworks) had information I was looking for. So I dutifully tramped off through the snow, running the gauntlet of kids throwing snowballs and 4x4 drivers spraying slush at everyone to announce the passing of their superior vehicles. Thanks mate.


On arrival the security guard grimaced at my somewhat dishevelled appearance (Aww come on, it's winter out there. Have you seen those 4x4 drivers?) and informed me the library was shut today. Snow stopped play? This time snow stopped reading too. That says it all.


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