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Passing Time



Last night was a quiet evening. That's a refreshing change after the constant droning noises from my neighbours. A chance then to enjoy a good read, safe in the knowledge that nothing would disturb the atmosphere of peace and calm. The occaisional passing car made no difference, even the ones with stereos capable of setting off a major earthquake response. With the damp and uncertain weather outside, there wasn't much disturbance from pedestrians either.


Previously I've mentioned the noisy carousing expected of an evening. Youths jostling for social status by chanting louder than anyone else, young girls totally in the grip of giggle fever, and thugs warning each other of dire consequences if the other paerty doesn't immediately indulge in sex and travel.


Last night there was something difference. A pair of young women were walking down the street, presumably on their way to a night club, both singing together tunefully with a strong voices and vibrato. These ladies can actually sing! My immediate urge was to rush downstairs, run after them, and beg them to sing on my recordings. I suspect though they may not see it as a career opportunity.


Photo's of the Week

There's been a photo competition at the library. Not the usual sort, where you submit much loved creations and have your ego crushed by judges who prefer meaningless splashes of colour, but instead a collection of old photo's from Swindons past and the need to identify the event they depicted. I haven't seen these pictures before, but I recognised the tram crash of the 1900's (which took place just across the road from where the library is today), the old manor house at Lawns (now demolished), and the canal wharf at Milton Road (now demolished too).


I have no idea what the others were about. Images of people from a past time, expressions and characters frozen in silver nitrate. They seem so ill at ease at having their photographs taken yet so willing to stand there until the flash went off. The photography may have been primitive and staid, but what a priceless recording of an instant so long ago.



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