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What Will Be...



I've written in the past of my doubts concerning astrology. Sure, there is something comforting about these hints of the fate awaiting us around the corner, it's just that those people writing the hints are peddling security blankets. Funny thing is though, and most likely by sheer coincidence, there are times when a commercial prediction comes spookily close to events in your life. Take yesterdays local newspaper for instance. Apparently the planet Venus is returning to my star sign about now and bringing with it the chance of romantic interest (Sounds familiar... Where have I heard that before?).


Of course I chuckled when I read it as I usually do. I was pleased the prediction also mentioned that I should beware the forthcoming interest may prove to be a little more temporary than I would like. Having perused the job vacancies and advertisements, I promptly threw the paper to one side and forgot the whole thing.


Walking through town on what was a dreary drizzly day in rainy old Swindon, the throngs of people in the street thinned out and there ahead of me was an attractive leggy blonde standing under an umbrella with a whole pile of pamphlets in her hand. There's no fool like an old fool. Always tempted by a pretty smile, I allowed myself to be sucked into her sales pitch for the snack bar across the street. One of those great things about meeting people is that sometimes you connect with them. It's an odd feeling. A complete stranger, yet you feel at ease and comfortable in their presence. Then you realise there's what seems to be a genuine warmth to this communication beyond the desire to profit from baguettes.


We chatted for a short while. She was pleasurable company, and actually quite pretty. All the while she carried on passing pamphlets to passers-by. I wasn't irritated by that - she was being paid to sell - yet a part of me realised that however well we got along, her eyes would ultimately look elsewhere. It seems my temporary affair had run it's course.


If Venus wants to ensare me in the throes of passion and emotional fulfillment, she'll have to do better than that. It seems for once the astrologer was right. How about that?


Excuses of the Week

Perhaps it was just as well she didn't see this morning. There's a side street that has a sharp left hand turn downhill, and right where the pavement follows the slope I slipped. Woah!... Balance... Nope. Over I went. On the plus side, I have excuses....


1 - I wasn't looking where I was going.

2 - My trainers are worn and now have smooth undersides.

3 - The pavement was wet and greasy

4 - I was just practising to be an idiot.



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