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By Strange Coincidence



Some years ago a guy I knew from my schooldays looked me up and we decided to have a pint or two, catch up with events, and basically fall over drunk at some in the proceedings. By strange quirk of fate, MS and I originally crossed paths over music. I was a keen up and going nowhere drummer, he was busy inventing new and interesting beeps on toy keyboards. I must confess, it was his idea to stage a charity rock concert at a local sports hall but an idea I got behind. We formed a band to take part in what turned into a 'Battle of the Bands' contest.


All in all the event went well. We won Best Instrumental Track (we'd found a decent guitarist) and that was pretty much the last I ever saw of MS, though I suspect that was because he thought I was a complete looney. You see, we'd borrowed a car to haul our gear to rehearsals. It belonged to the bass players father, a generous man who had no idea of what sort of driver I was. RH, the guitarist in Red Jasper, used to describe me as using an accelerator pedal as an on/off switch. Yep. That about summed me up. So eventually the car, a sorry looking Datsun that had seen better days, finally gave up trying to stay on the road, and I had a fun thirty seconds demonstrating the finer art of losing control. When the dust cleared (and without damage), I fell off the seat laughing at the shocked expression on MS's face.


Oh the fun we have when we're young. Anyhow, on our reunion bash we headed for a pub in Old Town. There was a strange atmosphere in there. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us with smirks on their faces. What? Have I got a bogey on my nose?


"What'll it be Gentlemen?" Asked the barman who could barely conceal a grin. Oh, ahh, two pints of lager please.


"Certainly Sir. Would you like a room too?" He asked quizzically. Huh? What do I need a room for, I responded scornfully, I came in for a drink. Then the penny dropped. I was in a gay pub.


Quickest Escape of the Nineties

Oh heck. I'm in a gay bar. I wonder how quickly I can drink this pint?..... (glug glug glug belch)... That's it, I'm outta here. As far as I'm concerned, if two gays want to go off and do whatever it is they do to each other, fine, I don't care, just don't involve me in it. How far away is a safe distance?


Strange Goings On In A Queer World

First there was that comedian from Little Britain whose partner died. Then a gay singer pops his clogs on holiday. Tragedies like any other unexpected death I guess, but what an odd coincidence, both events occuring so close to each other and presented in such a non-discriminatory way by the media. What? No scandal?


Final Statement of the Day

And you thought I'd lambast Gordon Brown for having to repay a years wages he spent on his own comfort? Life is so full of suprises, eh?



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