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Feel Good Factor



Another day... I drag myself out of bed and glance out between the curtains. It's been raining during the night and the yard outside is thoroughly wet. No matter, it's a bright and sunny morning, it'll soon dry out.


Our beloved Fuhrer, Gordon Brown, must also be feeling the same mood. He's just announced that Britain is 'bouncing back'. Well, he can quaff Happy Juice at breakfast if he wants, but he earns rather more money than most of us, so I don't suppose for one minute he's noticed how expensive life is getting for us Dolesters. Now there's a warning that energy prices in Britain might rise by 60% in the next ten years. My bills have already doubled in the last five. I don't feel bouncy about that in any way whatsoever.


So realistically, what can I do about that?. Modern society revolves around energy use. All I can do is watch less television (and therefore less good news about our economy), play music a bit less, buy food that needs less cooking, tolerate colder temperatures in Spring and Autumn, and make do with less hot water. That's the problem with life in a modern industrialised society. We rather like our comfort.


Hello Sophie

I'd had enough of government announcements of good times ahead on daytime television. There really isn't anything good to say about perpetual game shows featuring the worst dullards in circulation. So whilst the outside world looked dull and grey, it was far more interesting. So naturally I popped out for a stroll. Fresh air, exercise, and who knows? Maybe you'll see something or meet someone?


There was a little yorkshire terrier that didn't like the look of me as I approached, and true to the species, it began yapping at me incessantly. The owner apologised. Her dog was only protecting her she said. Somehow I found it difficult to see the dog as dangerous at all. It came across as a gentle (if somewhat noisy) soul so I took time out to greet the dog, make friends with it.


The terrier refused to approach me no matter how un-threatening I tried to be. The owner admitted she was a nervous dog. Okay, what's her name? Sophie?


Hi, Sophie.... Ah, didn't know I knew your name did you? What a change. The little dog stared in suprise and began wagging its tail, and I could see her trying to figure out where she'd met me before. This she did approach, and visibly trembling, made a cautionary sniff of my hand. There you go Sophie, you've been a brave girl. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your walk.


Funny how these little things make you feel good inside.


Style of the Week

Occaisionally you get people in the library who come across as a litttle odd. It's easy to mock and criticise others, but sometimes you just have to laugh. There's a young man sat at a computer across the aisle from me. He's dressed in black, with a woollen cap and a large pair of headphones so he can enjoy his music while he vegetates. It's just that at first glance he looks like a gothic Messerschmitt pilot. Albeit one who hasn't woken up yet. Still, at least he's happy.



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