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Man and Machine



The black notice popped up on the screen again. I need to retune my television receiver. Oh all right then, if you insist. Luckily channel Three Oh Something Or Other had a guide running permanently on a loop (Wow, wot an interesting channel!) so I wasn't technically challenged. Who needs nine year old experts anyway?


Despite my extensive experience in consumer electronics, computer programming, musical equipment, and science fiction, I have to acknowledge that I am no longer nine years old and have therefore transformed into an old dunce like everyone else. Nonetheless I managed to get it done properly on the third attempt.


I now have seventy eight channels to watch. Not that many compared to those equipped with Star Trek deflector dishes and bottomless wallets, but enough for my meagre needs. Especially since many are repeats of what another channel showed an hour earlier. Oh hang on... What's this?... A dating channel?


Out of curiosity I paged through the single ladies searching for companionship. About half of the adverts were from a 48 year old woman in Devon. Who would have thought a television set could form the basis of someones social life?... Ugh... Not for me. Now if you'll excuse me, my neighbour is being noisy and I need to go and shout at him.


News Just In...

On my way to the library I was stopped by a policeman who took my details. Granted I was in hiking gear with a sack on my back (and thus resembled a drifter - I never wear my sunday best to wander about the countryside) but it appears my neighbour is responsible for 'an incident'. More news when I get it.


Documentary of the Week

Amongst the programs I stumbled across while surfing the channels on television was a documentary about the Battle of Britain. Actually this was one of the better ones, and one that made good use of outakes from the 1968 film.


It wasn't all Spitfires and Hurricanes. Amongst the veterans recounting their memories of 1940 was one pilot who used to fly Blenheim bombers. Describing them as bitterly cold and draughty he visibly shuddered as he remembered what flying the wretched things was like. Imagine then his joy when the Luftwaffe bombed his airfield and blew his aeroplane up....



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