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Pump Up The Volume



Music is an interesting phenomenon, apart from modern metronomic high volume siege weaponry. I speak with some experience having been a professional drummer during my mispent youth - I wasn't known for being quiet. However, as a drummer I recognise the need for 'music', something to listen to, something to evoke a mood, whereas a lot of music today reveles around the concept of physical punishment as bass frequencies pound you like punches from Mike Tyson.


That's all very well if you like that sort of thing, but I prefer something a bit more tuneful, like heavy metal for instance. The problem is those darn bass frequencies. Brick walls can obscure the sound of my neighbours hi-fi to such an extent that I wouldn't know they were listening if it wasn't for the invasive rumbles, thuds, and drones that make you grit your teeth.


One of my neighbours has discovered the joys of bass. Whilst it isn't actually loud, it's impossible to get away from it. The vibration goes through the floorboards and thus straight through me. Even if I can't hear it as such, I still feel it. The chap in question heard me yell though. I also heard his reply. Thanks for that mate, but you will find the law is on my side, whatever you believe my manhood to be.


What the said gentleman hadn't realised was that I come equipped to make noise too, should I feel the need. Well whaddya know? It's gone quiet. Headphones on... CD in the slot.... Give it your best power chord Jimmy....


Spider Spotting

The remorseless advance of spiders across Britain is underway. Today I notice one fat ugly specimen has spun a web across my bathroom window, right where I can't get rid of it. You'll be sorry. Caldrail's Rushey Platt Villa is hereby an arachnid-free zone. Apart from the one lurking at back of the cupboard.... Where do these things come from? Certainly wasn't a chicken...



I've just glanced out the library window and it's raining. What? Not heavy rainfall as such, just a concentrated spray of fine drizzle. The weather forecast said nothing about this! Having been lulled into a false sense of security by persistent good weather, I wasn't prepared for Swindon to revert to it's normal enviroment. Oh well...


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