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Sunday Morning With Nothing Better To Write About



Today is another gloriously sunny day. Clear blue skies, which oddly enough we don't see too often in summer. Sunday mornings tend to be quiet. All the yobboes from last night have found somewhere to sleep off last nights slanging match. Judging from the intermittent sirens out in the street, one or two had help finding it. Aside from that, the steady stream of moslems and sikhs walking to their places of worship add an exotic air to what is, after all, rainy old Swindon.



I see the Spice Girls are threatening to regroup for another attempt at extracting cash from misguided fans. Rumours have spread of a show at the World Cup but that's been dismissed as 'silly' by band member Melanie. She says they're getting together for other reasons. Money? Perhaps? Or do they actually like each other after all?


Scientific Research of the Week

Sometimes the announcements of researchers beggar belief. Get this one... 'Optimism' hampers weight loss - Being too optimistic may hamper attempts to lose weight.


It seems that people who are happy and fat tend to respond less well to slimming programmes, according to psychologists. Well there you are. Proof that science is useful. If you want to lose weight, be miserable.


I also notice that naval patrols off the Horn of Africa are quelling the recent outbreak of piracy. That's going to make some Somali's miserable. Looks like they're going to get thinner too.


Spider Update of he Week

Now that it's autumn, the early mornings are a bit chilly. Cars coated with dew. Not suprisingly, so are spider webs, and at this time of year their efforts are clearly visible. Some are extraordinary, spanning huge gaps, but little sign of critters awaiting their doom. Maybe they have bigger prey in mind?


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