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Pig Ignorance



There's been some new fossiles found in China. That part of the world seemes particularly fertile in dinosaur remains doesn't it? I wonder why? Was the ara absolutely teeming in life back in past ages, or was it simply muddier and thus more got preserved? Anyway, they've found some new bird-esque species older than archeopteryx (the famous half bird/half dinosaur fossil recovered from Germany donkeys years ago) so once again the news headlines are full of Scientists confirm birds evolved from dinosaurs. I thought that was old news? I think there's a journalist or two that needs to listen to their kids once in a while.


Piggy In The Middle

Why is bureaucracy never simple? I'm on another paper chase. The College insist I need form SL2 (Nope, don't know what that's for either) and the Job Centre insist I don't. "You need to phone this number and ask for an interview" The woman tells me. She almost laughed when I groaned inwardly. Okay, I'll phone...


Oh hello, this is Caldrail. I've been forwarded for a college course and I've been told that I need to phone you to arrange for a form SL2?


"Please wait a moment, I'll just ask my colleague.... Hello? No, you don't need SL2, we don't do them. You need a proof of benefit form...."


I got one of those stamped before. Sigh... Here we go again...


Politican of the Year

I see our loathsome prime minister Gordon Brown has been voted Politician of the Year for solving everyone elses economic problems. So how come he's made such a pigs ass of ours?



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