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Good Excuses



I don't know about you, but I've always found that weddings are such a pain in the backside. Perhaps it's different if you're the one getting married - I suspect in most cases you're kind of swept along by it - but as a disinterested observer you get dragged to a boring ritual then off to take part in the reception, a celebration that takes ages for you to drink yourself oblivious and spare yourself the mind numbing tedium of family fun. If you doubt my word on that, I challenge you sit through a wedding video. You'll see what I mean.


My cousins eldest son DH is getting hitched shortly. The last time I saw him was as an angry and frustrated teenager. Now he's all adult and responsible? That's going to take some getting used to. As it happens, he's a New Zealander, and determined to do this wedding the right way he's asked for the addresses of everyone in England. Well that's gotta be some party! Sixty million guests no less. A mass migration of English people to the other side of the world. Just imagine that.... Factories and workplaces closing for the week, the entire country at a standstill, no cars on the roads.... Judging from the news recently, the arrangements are taking shape nicely.


Apart from me that is. If I go abroad they'll stop my benefits. Hang on.... For the first time ever, I want to hug and kiss the British Government. Inadvertantly they've given me the best excuse ever to avoid a family wedding!


Welcome of the Week

The claims advisor was nice to me this morning. What? Discovered I was telling the truth after all?



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