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Boy do I feel like a piece of shit...



As you all know I have been completely inactive from the UNRV community for roughly a year and a half. When I say completely inactive, I mean it in the most literal sense. I haven't even kept up with friends that I used to often talk to outside of the site. Specifically Tom Isabella aka 'Gaius Octavius'...


He called a couple of times last year when I was completely indisposed and his messages were increasingly distraught in that he felt he had offended me and had lost my friendship. This of course was not the case but for a variety of now seemingly ridiculous reasons I never did return his calls and let him know.


I got the note from his wife Jean in late August last year about his horrible trip to ICU where they drained a liter and a half of fluid out of his heart (caused by metastatic adeno-carcinoma) and the loss of his left leg to gangrene because his circulation had pretty much shut down there.


I sent my regards to him then and knew that he had made it home (under hospice care) in early September last year but my own family was going through a very rough time then and I did not follow up with Jean about Tom


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That's a nice memory of the Lord of Brookfordshiresexingham, thanks Pan.


I'd become pretty friendly with Tom, he was always up for a laugh and was a very witty and interesting man, he had great stories to tell about his life. I was still in touch with him when his health deteriorated but then the emails stopped and I got no response from the one's I sent him. It was a sad day for me when the news of his passing was announced, although I'd never actually met Tom I did consider him a good friend. I sent a message of condolence to his family and privately mourned his passing.


Although a year has passed I'll gladly join you saying goodbye to the Pater Arcanae :D

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Gaius Octavius was directly responsible for me being here having seduced me away from my old site by asking questions there and then tranferring our answers. After I followed him over I did keep in intermittent contact via UNRVs messaging service but didn't find out about the extent of his illness until after the event.


Gaius/ Tom was and is sadly missed by all who came in contact with him. :rip:

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Guess I'm later than a year eh?


I'm Rameses the Great from way back when for those that remember me. Gaius was a good friend to me here, always encouraged me to get active within the UNRV community and convincing me that I was smart. I will miss him a whole lot, I hope he's in a better place now.


And no, I'm not coming back. Just wanted to say these few things when I saw this topic, please delete this account now.


R.I.P. Tom.

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