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Tough Times



For the third day in a row, the weather is gloriously sunny. A little bit chilly first thing, but you'd expect that, and without doubt it's going to get somewhat warmer later this afternoon. Time then to enjoy a hike into the English countryside? I think so, especially after my last signing-on at the Job Centre. I could do with a break.


I suppose from time to time they get suspicious. They're used to people who claim for no other reason thatn to avoid doing anything else. Unfortunately, I do make a moderate and consistent effort to find work, which means the otherwise pleasant woman across the desk has gotten a little curious about my jobseeker record. This last time she was replaced by another woman, a matronly dragon of a claims advisor, who took the record books I had with me and promptly 'lost' them. She then interrogated me about my efforts and clearly had no intention of believing a single word I said to her.


That sort of thing, for me at least, is deeply annoying and de-motivating. What's the point of filling in these books (as they require me to do) and then discard them in such a casual manner? For one thing, it destroys trust, and creates an adversarial atmosphere. This wasn't the first time they've done this sort of thing and from this moment on, I'm writing out a copy of my job search record before I go in. They still won't believe me, but all the same, at least I won't have to put up with that sort of humiliation and pressure.


Science in Farming

I was chatting to guy the other day who lives out in the countryside. He's lost interest in farming seeing as cereal production is so variable and that dairy farming can't compete in today's market. His father is of course a little upset about that because understandably farming is still very much a family concern for many. Out of curiosity, I asked him about driving tractors, seeing I've never been near one. He tells me it's all science now. Tractors are guided by GPS and all you do is input the co-ordinates of the field you want to drive up and down over. Still, just in case the farmer hasn't quite caught up with the twenty-first century, the makers considerately provide markings to show the driver which way round the throttle is fitted. Rabbit and tortoise.



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