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Decline of the Nobiles

M. Porcius Cato


Nobiles ("the known") were the senators whose family-members had climbed the highest rungs of the cursus honorum. How many modern-day nobiles are in the US Senate? After the death of the nobile-st Senator, Ted Kennedy, somebody bothered to publish the results, and the results are good news for New Men like Nixon and Obama: US Senators with family-members in the Senate have never been lower.


Check out THIS graph to see the dramatic fall from the 1st Congress to the 101st.


Recommended Comments

Congratulations, MPC. That's a wonderful contribution.

May I ask you which is your source and how were "familial relations" defined by the author(s)?

(ie, which family-members and which rungs of the US cursus honorum were included for elaborating this graph)

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