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Anger and Awareness



The problem with blogs is that there's a tendency to reveal too much. There's been a warning recently about people giving away information on social networking sites that a fraudster or a burglar could use.


I own a large vicious dog by the way, just in case that's of any use to you. If not, you can always smile at the cameras.


But more to the point, something else has gone beyond a joke in my life and whilst there's a self impiosed limit on family news to be made public, I think it's time one piece of information (which is actually pretty useless to burglars or fraudsters so quite safe) should be placed on public view.


My mother is a committed christian, and outwardly at least, a quiet and inoffensive member of the community. Certainly she wants to be seen that way. In fact, she made sure I was aware she didn't want anything written about her on blogs or forums. At the time, that was okay with me, but just lately, things have gotten a little more heated.


My mother has always wanted me to be Christian. She took me to church on Sundays as a child and I remember those dull sermons and pointless rituals with relief I don't have to bother with them now. That's essentially the problem. With my spritiuality declared, mother wants me back in the fold. She was the one who mentioned earlier that 'You can always come back'. Quite why I don't know because I never a believer in the first place.


But it gets worse. Mother is not the most sophisticated person in the world (even she would have to admit that) and I honestly think there were people in the Middle Ages who knew more about the Universe than she does. She once discovered my childish satanic paraphenalia that many Heavy Metal fans collect for the sake of it. At the time, all she did was fume angrily and grimly mutter "I know something about you" repeatedly.


Hard to believe that people like that are still around in our otherwise so enlightened age isn't it? I've kept it quiet for a long time now, simply because that was how family life was, but seeing the extent of interference in my everyday affairs that has been going on and increasing both in frequency and spitelfulness, I would like it known that....


Your insults will get you nowhere Mum. Sorry, but I'm over the age of consent and that means I choose what I believe in. I choose to be a spiritualist (of a sort, anyway). There is no truth in Jesus if all he is is an excuse to control others.


Class of the Week

It's back to school for me today as I've just completed my first session on my Electrical Awareness course. I did think it was going to be a fairly inocuous series of lectures about wiring but ye gods next session I'm testing live mains installations with no rescue helicopter outside. School was never like this!



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