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Danger Lurks



It's a sunny morning, a clear blue sky, so I thought I'd drop by the park and enjoy the sunshine. There was hardly anyone around but eventually this old guy hobbled to the edge of the lake and deposited half a loaf of bread in the water. The nearby ducks eagerly paddled after this awesome prize and began tugging at the sodden excess of white loaf with relish. To them, it was a veritable feast.


Over the lake was a flock of seabirds. Small white ones, petrels I think, though I'm sure I'm wrong. One flew to the fountain, then hovered back and forth, beating it's wings furiously to stay airborne. I've never seen a bird do that before. getting a wash while flying. That's a first. Once satisified his feathers were bright and white (birds have yet to invent washing powder) he circled over the ducks and realised they were feeding. The little petrel chose his spot then descended on a duck, stealing whatever bread he could snatch away.


The other petrels spotted this mugging and thought they too too could enjoy a feed at the expense of the suprised ducks, who were already thinking of moving away. The entire flock repeated the exercise, attacking the ducks like a rampant gang.


Survival of the fittest, demonstrated in the safety of the park. Ahhh... There's a bunch of youths over there, beercans in hand, looking around for something to do. You know sometimes how you just know it's not a good idea to stick around?


Hoodie of the Week

Yesterday I was walking through our local ghetto area. I was just about to cross the road and looked behind to check for traffic. Instead, I spotted a black youth behind me. Well I couldn't fail to, he was only a few feet away. At any rate, I slowed down to wait for traffic to pass, and after the young man had sauntered past me, I spotted something in his hand that looked remarkably like a jacknife handle. You know sometimes how you just.... Well, youi know what I'm saying.


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