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Butterflies Wings



You know, I'm starting to wonder about that Chaos Theory I mentioned yesterday. On the way home from the shops I wandered down the alleyway at the back of the house. The sprouting foliage has become quite thick now the College is an abandoned site. Where once you could drive a car along the rough gravel surface, now there's only a narrow path between the grass, brambles, horsetails, and overhanging trees. A solitary butterfly, in shades of brown, went about it's erratic business.


Later that day I paused to look upward and the edges of heavy cloud were very apparent in the hazy sky. Rain? Possibly, those clouds looked heavy enough, but the sun was still shining so I took no notice.


During the afternoon I was indoors, enjoying a good read. So intent on the written word was I that I really hadn't noticed how dark it was getting. What attracted my attention was a background noise, a rising tide of rainfall that was loud enough to overcome the barrier of my double glazing (which isn't all that soundproof, as I know to my cost). I looked up and yes, there was the rain, absolutely belting down.


Yawn. The book's more interesting.


A sharp crackle and a resonant rumble followed soon after. A thunderstorm? I looked out and found a very curious scene. The edge of the towering cumulo-nimbus cloud was above the house. To the east, it was slate grey heaviness, a curtain of falling water that obscured the view beyond a few hundred yards. To the west, bright sunshine. Looking out the back it was odd to see rain pouring onto the yard with the sun shining. You could see the water evaporating on the asphalt like thin steam.


The storm drifted gently northeast, following the prevailing wind and rumbling away elsewhere. Butterfly - I'm impressed.


Storm of the Week

Hurricane Jimena had hit a tourist spot in Mexico. Wow... Those guys have some serious butterflies....


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