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Our Best Friend



Dogs are known as Mans Best Friend. I certainly do know what they mean. The companionship of a canine pet is astonishing. Such is the pack instinct of a dog that they assume the role of family member more often or not. But is a dog 'Womans Best Friend'?


Yesterday I waited at a main road before popping down to the music store to collect my guitar. Across the road from me a woman waited with her pet, a white and brown dog of some strange breed. It was a curious animal. It stood there with stumpy legs and scruntched up face staring at me as if was saying "I don't know what you are. You wait till I give you a sniff sunshine. Then we'll see what you're made of".


The poor woman holding the leash implored her dog to come away from the kerb and walk obediently by her side. As sometimes happens with headstrong dogs, it took no notice. Instead it followed me as I crossed the road, slowly beginning to pace forwards to intercept my course.


Having given me a quick smell and deciding I was basically harmless, the dog then lost interest, trying to cross the road the other way in the face of oncoming traffic despite the urgent appeals and muscular strain of pulling it back. The woman actually apologised for her errant beast, but I was merely amused.


Two hours later I had reason to walk the same way. There was the woman, on the other side of the road, making futile attempts to persuade her dog to follow her. The dog saw me walk past. It's gaze said "What are you laughing at?"


Puppy of the Week

On my way to use the internet this morning I spotted a small puppy playing beside two boys. A little thing, a small Jack Russel terrier, which started yapping as soon as it spotted me in optimistic challenges to my right of passage. Instead, I turned toward the puppy. It stopped yapping. It stopped wagging its tail.


The mother of the pup saw me and sprinted into view. She was not impressed with me either, and gave me a warning yap to behave myself in the presence of her youngster. Of course, once beside them, they both decided I wasn't dangerous and both said hello in the canine manner, excitedly wagging tails and jumping up.


The little one was only nine weeks old. It had such a pleasant personality to it. I hope it retains that friendliness when the school of hard knocks makes it a little warier.


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