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The plumber was back early this morning. Apparently his previous repair hadn't solved the leaking water that my downstairs neighbour was so concerned about. He had every reason to be so, since it turns out the electrical wiring downstairs is uncomfortably close to the pipes. Anyway, the much harassed plumber rebuilt my bathroom in record time before I popped down to the library. Can't see any smoke coming from downstairs, so perhaps this time the problem is solved?



The local paper has made a big deal about the renovation of childrens play areas around the town. I do wonder about that because I don't see kids using those facilities, which seem frequented by drug users more often. As an adult I also realise that using these facilities is going to draw attention to me, partly because it labels me as a mentally deficient person (I'm too old to have fun after all!) but also because solitary adults socialising with kids is a definite no-no these days. Therefore I'll not bother with the playgrounds, and I suspect the kids won't either because it's just too uncool compared to playstations and mobile phones (or even copying more adult behaviour), so the drug users in Swindon can be assured that the Council is looking after their native enviroment.


Tourist Trap of the Week

Is none other than our very own Swindon. Despite its grey and rainy image, and the fact that some major renovation schemes in the town have been cancelled due to economic downturns and banking cock-ups, Swindon is pressing ahead with plans to make our red brick town a place for tourists to stop by and relax.


I also note that in an editorial column Swindon was defended on the grounds that its critics are using obselete and incorrect opinion. Thanks for the tip. I'll take another wander around the town and see what I find. My guess is that it's pretty much the same as yesterday.


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