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Phut!... Uh Oh....



The big red van slowed to crawl outside my home and drove onto the pavement so as not to obstruct the road. I hope there's no policeman around, because usually they give drivers parking on the pavement a right ticking off, like they did to the television repair man the last time he called. As it happened, the delivery driver handed me the expected parcel and I had to sign electronically on this wierd gizmo of his.


Now, at this point you're probably expecting me to shout yahoo! and jump about in excited anticipation of putting my poor old computer back on par. Sadly, it arrived too late. My computer has died, this time spectacularly. The power supply and the motherboard are both fried.


Again, at this point you're expecting me to get all depressed and philosophical about the trials and woes that life puts in our path. What's the point? I've done that once already. I think I'm starting to get used to this level of adversity. As it happens, it turns out that computer hardware is something like a third cheaper than it was ten years ago. So this time, I only have to sell one family member into slavery.


Just In Time

It seems my local computer repair shop is moving to premises across town. Oh come on guys, am I really that bad a customer?


Back and Forth

I've gotten into an email exchange over one of my job applications. The person who received it at some anonymous department somewhere sent it back saying they couldn't process it because the vacancy reference was missing. No it isn't, I replied, it's there, in the message, right in front of you. Ah, the next reply said, I haven't put it in the title, so they can't do anything.


You're right, you can't.


Education of Week

Finally, and with only days to spare, the College has sent me the details of the electrical awareness course they want me to do before I sign up for another government sponsored training opportunity. So it's get the form stamped at the Job Centre...


"Have you got a letter of entitlement to benefits?" The woman asked. Erm... No... Since you asked. Oh come on, I pass this desk every fortnight and I once lost my temper with you. Surely you remember me? She sighed and vanished for ten minutes to find some evidence that I exist.


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