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Life, But Not As We Can Afford It



My parcel from the States should be due any day now. I'll be glad when it gets here, so I can restore my PC to it's former glory. The hassle of course is making yourself available to sign for the delivery when it finally arrives. Past experience has shown that parcels mysteriously vanish from the doorstep, and on occaision, a naughty delivery driver took the parcel away and signed my name for it. In the meantime, what has the postman brought me today? Lets see... One letter. From the delivery people no less. That has to be about my order. It is!


It seems that HM Customs & Excise want VAT paid on it (that's a sort of purchase tax, if anyone out there doesn't know) and the delivery company want a fee for handling it through customs. There's an option to pay by phone which is quick and convenient, so I'll try that.... It was of course an automated system.

Key in your thirteen digit delivery code... Now.... Okedokee. That worked.


Your postcode is SN1... Is that correct? Press 1 for Yes, or.... Yes yes yes, it's correct.


Key in your credit card number... Now.... Right then. 1234 5678 9012 3456....


Key in your credit card number... Now.... What? Again? Oh all right then... 1234 5678 9012 3456....

Key in your credit card number... Now....


What is this? Some sort of game? Get to the next level and receive your parcel? Oh I give up, I'll pay them online this afternoon, assuming the delivery company has mastered the World Wide Web.


In case anyone was wondering how expensive life in Britain is these days, it cost me ten pounds to have a small parcel sent three thousand miles across the Atlantic. It's going to cost me twice that to send it thirty miles from Bristol.


Recipe Of The Week

As a single guy, I have to cook for myself. No, that's not a sexist lament, I do enjoy cooking as long as it doesn't take more than twenty minutes. I've got no time for complex recipes nor for that matter the wallet to afford obscure ingredients, and even cheap stuff from the supermarket costs twice what it did a couple of years ago - government please note. Occaisionally though I come up with a real gem... Try this recipe at home...


Irish Pasta


Cook sliced meat (lamb works nicely) in an oven and place on a plate.


Open a tin of irish stew and empty into a suacepan. Add a touch of brown sauce and pepper sauce. Stir. Heat gently. Pour sauce over meat.


Heat a saucepan of pasta. Twirls or tubes work best (sorry, don't know the italian names), place on top of the plate, and sprinkle coarse pepper if required.


It tastes great, it really does.



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