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Repainting Submarines



During an interview in 1966, John Lennon expressed his opinion that Christianity was dying and that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Not in South America it seems because they banned airplay of their albums until 1971. Nor was the American 'Bible Belt' particularly impressed. Their records still sell even today and whilst their popularity as a band may have faded compared to that of Jesus, we still have a legacy of music to enjoy.


It's interesting to study the way their image was presented. On the one hand, they were that loveable bunch of 'mopheads' having harmless fun, on the other sex symbols, and I once saw an early video clip showing Ringo Starr in soft focus with a cigarette hanging out his mouth. Hilarious.


Not just music either, because the Beatles also made feature films. In 1968 they made Yellow Submarine, an animated cartoon story, in which the characters voices were not those of the band (who only make an appearance right at the end as a cameo). I've always had a soft spot for Yellow Submarine. Not sure why, because it's not the psychedelic cartoon style, nor for that matter the subliminal message about the recreational use of drugs.


There's already a computer game in the works (if not already released, but I'm not interested and computer games are always released two years late due to one reason or another) that will allow the player to relive the Beatles as a virtual band experience. This seems to be a growing genre in it's own right.


Some musicians have complained that such games are alternatives to learning real instruments and working music as a career for real, something I find a little odd, because no-one is going to be famous stood playing air guitar in front of their monitor screens. I must admit, I do find that genre uncomfortable, but in my case it's because it reinforces a fantasy in a vulnerable minority who might believe that they too can be famous and don't realise how disappointing the 'real world' can be.


Now I hear that Disney is to remake the film using modern animation techniques. The first version was awful but got away with it because of sheer optimism. Will this one recapture the same madcap mood? It will certainly capture some dollars.


Tantrum of the Week

This accolade goes to the Spanish gentleman who was unsatisfied with the snacks he was served with. Despite the bar staff telling him to calm down, he proceeded to smash bottles, glasses, chairs, or anything else that came to hand. Now there's a gentleman who needs to chill. I would recommend watching Yellow Submarine. Relax, enjoy the cartoon. Chill.


But he'll probably only complain it's not the Disney version and destroy his television...


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