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Unsafe Seas



As shocking as it is, it seems that piracy is becoming more commonplace again. Never mind the brazen Somali's and their multi-million dollar ransom demands, now we have ships boarded in the English Channel, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and right on our own doorstep.


Noticeably during the Cold War piracy wasn't an issue, what with naval vessels everywhere and so forth. The reduction of military ships since has made itself felt, and pirates now believe they are safe to conduct these operations without risk of being blown out of the water.

The humourous comparisons with pirates of swashbuckling days is way off. Pirates back then were larcenous killers and many of the same personality types will be the ones in inflatable boats carrying AK47's. It isn't much different is it?


Bye For Now

Well it's time to log off. I'm heading for the hills with my backpack full of those essential survival items you'll never need until you don't bring them. The weather is cloudy, dry, and without the hot sun making life unbearable, it should be a good walk.


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