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Selling Their Souls



I see from the news that there's plans to create a new bank holiday. Another one? hey I don't mind at all, it's another day of work... Or it would be if I had a job. It does seem a bit strange though. For a government trying so hard to oil the wheels of transport policy, why do they want to clog up the motorways with parked cars again?


Is it merely another example of the Labour Party attempting to buy favour with a disillusioned public? Vote for us and have new holidays? Given that this government taxes us more than ever before, that they've borrowed so much money the economy will be weighed down for decades, that they confidently predict a recovery next year in a worsening economy, why do they think another bank holiday is such a good idea? Then it hits you. They want this new day off to commemorate those who have died at work.


I have to say this is a shocking piece of political cynicism. Given that pension schemes are collapsing and most of us will have to work into retirement age and collapse on the job, one wonders if this new holiday isn't designed to prepare us for the ranks of body bags being collected from the factory gates. Welcome to Labours brave new world.


Now Thats What I Call Dire

For many years now there have been music compilations released with tv adverts, collections of chart hits that were probably best left forgotten in the first place. The Now Thats What I Call Music series is currently up to album 73. Not to be outdone, my old school has begun making CD's of teachers, parents, students, past, present, and future recording music of one sort or another, calling iit Now That's What I Call Commonweal in a blatant bandwagon of marketing.


Heck, I'm glad I got out of there when I did.


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I'm glad we are getting another bank holiday, the rest of the UK and Europe have quite a few more bank holidays than we do and it's not fair!!!!! :whistling::naughty:


The one day we should definitely get off as an holiday is St George's Day, I just wish this country was a bit more patriotic at times.

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The extra day off is welcome (though at the moment it makes little difference to me). What isn't welcome are the associations the government want to apply to it. I doubt they have our leisure at heart.

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