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I'm On It! (finally...)



Yesterday I posted an image in the Gallery of an Paleo-Indian spear point I found in South Carolina in 1991. Unfortunately during the Holidays I have come to learn that a portion of the land where I found that and other artifacts is in grave danger...


I will let this e-mail I just sent to the Director of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology explian:


Dear Dr. Leader,


I am writing to you and the SCIAA in general with an urgent plea for help.


There is an endangered piece of land off US Highway 601, adjacent to the Lynches River on the border of Chesterfield and Lancaster Counties where I found Late Pleistocene artifacts almost 15 years ago. The land in question used to be part of a friend


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So do you have quite a number of artefacts to hand or catalogued in other ownership? I was wondering as to what quantity or quality would be needed to be considered significant in "cultural" terms ? Or would a handful of accredited finds be sufficient to back up your request?

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So do you have quite a number of artefacts to hand or catalogued in other ownership? I was wondering as to what quantity or quality would be needed to be considered significant in "cultural" terms ? Or would a handful of accredited finds be sufficient to back up your request?


2 from the 'Ice Age' and one from ~2000 years ago. I honestly have no idea if this will suffice to gain their support but Dr. Whyte made it out that these artifacts coupled with the nature of the site were sufficient grounds for preservation and investigation.


In the end all I can do is try. If South Carolina's head archaeologist tells me to "get bent" I honestly plan on going straight to the quarry company themselves to ask for an opportunity to investigate before they start working on the land...

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::sigh:: good luck. This makes me sad as well it really does ::cry::


I hate it when this sort of thing happens.


I guaranty LW that with your penchant for the spiritual, had you seen this land for yourself you would feel infinitely stronger...


As I told Pertinax I consider it one of my life time "Places of Power" (to use a 'New Age' term).


Huge hardwood trees of every southeastern variety, a ridgeline with a beautiful view, fascinating rock formations with countless boulders bigger than 2 story houses, mysterious crevices, cracks and erosion marks that looked like the hieroglyphics of some forgotten race of giants, woockcock, grouse, and even a resident bobcat who I was lucky enough to see twice...


I found out that portion of the land was sold off last year when I asked if I could buy 10 acres to put a cottage there. :)


Then when I followed up this year to see who bought it (in an effort to ask permission to go on the land), this happens

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Wish you could use technology. Well I think you can refer to technology. You can do an aerial flyby to take pictures to see what perks the land has or use some sort of technology that allows you to see what lies beneath the ground like sonar or some other sort of stuff that geologists might use. Sounds weird, I know.

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