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Dishonesty and Detection



The living room floor looks like an air accident hangar at the moment. Bits of crashed computer all laid out as I sift through the wreckage for some clue as to what happened. I've ruled out pilot error. Now to check for sabotage... Any loose chips or suspicious cabling?


So far the rescue services haven't located my black box recorder. The investigation goes on.


Shock Horror Revelation of the Week

It turns out that computer repair shops are havens of dishonesty, as if I didn't know that already. Unscrupulous technicians are cashing in on data found on their clients PC, hacking into bank accounts and so forth. As it happens I don't keep details of bank accounts on my hard drive so I doubt there's much they could learn, but you never know.


In the back of your mind you sort of know that it's risky leaving a computer with someone else, exposing those files you consider private. It comes as something of a worrying development to learn that dodgey practises are widespread.


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