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Get Out Of Our Way



Some years ago I wrote a piece on another site condemning the European Union as a dictatorship in the making. Not necessarily because it is at the moment, so to speak, but because its construction lays the groundwork for those those wishing to rule without accountability.


I had said that Ireland would be forced to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon regardless of their previous vote - as the recent pressure on them demonstrates. There was also an interesting letter in the local paper this morning from a gentleman who clearly (and understandably) supports the UK Independence Party, in which he focuses attention on clauses in the Treaty of Lisbon that effectively remove any right to withdraw from its membership or rulings after a certain date. Thats a disquietening thought.


I was pleased to seee however that German judges have ruled against the European Union, saying in effect that national member states have the right to decide their own affairs and that the European Union does not legally impose its own constitution over them. Sadly, the reality is that the power brokers in Europe want their dictatorship and will continue to build their political ideal at our expense.


I don't remember who said it, but an observant man once declared that "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Here though is the problem. What can a good man do? If he attempts anything proactive, he runs the risk of breaking the law, or perhaps even worse, imposing his own views on people who don't agree with him. Europe has had some glaring examples of such political folly within living memory, and whether we agree with the European Union or not, it is happening here, only this time it's being set up behind closed doors so good men don't notice.


More Town of the Week

It seems our neighbouring town is getting tired of the media attention. The headline in the local paper this morning is Please Leave Us Alone. Of course the civic leaders are complaining about the invasive presence of media crews every time fallen servicemen are repatriated, but I also notice that not only our media-hungry Prime Minister is praising the town and it's people - David Cameron, his opposition rival, has done so too.


Last Night Outside My Home

I couldn't help it. The monotonous self imposed diet of mine has finally reached levels of culinary boredom I wouldn't wish on a prison inmate. I'd had enough. So, without wishing to spend much cash, I popped across the road to the kebab shop and paid for a box of chips (that's fries for anyone who who hasn't experienced english cuisine). Small change, and a welcome relief from bread and water.


I was about to cross the road when two cars trundled down the hill, otherwise empty of traffic at that late hour, at slow speed. The car behind carried two young ladies, and the driver blasted her horn at the car blocking her way. I see. It's after dark, the horn is being used abusively, and she's driving too close to the car in front.


She stayed two feet behind the other car all the way down the hill. Why didn't she simply overtake? It was safe to do so even at legal road speeds. No, that wasn't good enough. She wanted the car in front to move out of her way. What an attitude!


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