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Suffer Little Criticisms Unto Me



Image is so important isn't it? We all manufacture an outward mask and appearance to some extent, in order to project ourselves to the rest of the world. Yet human society is a sort of analog of the natural world. Our very behaviour is moulded by primeval instinct and we adjust our appearance in these displays of shape and colour to communicate to others of our species what sort of individual we are.


I came out of Lawns and turned along the main road through Swindons Old Town. For some reason or other a number of office types were waiting outside the bank, replendent in suits and business attire. The men stood in twos and threes, engaged in serious discussions about life, the universe, and promotion prospects. The women sat together over a mobile phone, busy being girly despite the expensive fashions, hairdo's, and makeup. It was a scene worthy of a David Attenborough commentary. Unfortunately you'll have to make do with mine.


It just so happened I wasn't in any particular need to be fashionable yesterday. Instead, it was a mish-mash of cheap streetwear and military surplus, for that rebellious individualism that is very much part of me. The dominant males of the office world lined up along the street passed scornful looks at my garish fashion sense. You could sense the arrogance of individuals who were psychologically empowered by membership of their own competitive and wealthy tribe.


It seems my value as a human being is being judged on an outward appearance. That's a common idea, that you should dress for success. It's all about conformity and display, very primitive instincts that have found new modes of expression in modern culture as fashion and the working ethic. As a more enlightened member of the human species (albeit a somewhat scruffier one) I prefer not to associate with such self important peacocks. Of course they wouldn't associate with me either so there is no conflict of interest there.


And it wasn't just the men. The women barely looked up and those that did wrinkled their noses in distaste. Some would say that was only to be expected given my appearance. I would say it was only to be expected given their tribal values. Even if I dressed in the same clothes, my differences in attitude and demeanour would soon have me labelled as an inferior specimen in their eyes. To me that doesn't matter, because I don't see them as superior or worthy of respect.


You know, I don't like that Jesus and his christian legacy for similar reasons, but I will say this about the man. He was right about wealth. For all its comfort and potential it doesn't make you a better man. Having lost a comfortable lifestyle, I can see the difference. They of course would sneer or raise their eyebrows at the thought that being wealthy makes them no better, given the access to luxury their wallets provide, but in what way are these arrogant office types any different from the drunken oiks I hear outside in the street on a saturday night?


None whatsoever. Apart from a tailor made suit.


Music Critic of the Week

Relaxing in my front room watching endless repeats of Star Trek on tv yesterday afternoon I heard a voice out in the street.


"Oh look, now he thinks he can play a keyboard." He said. Spot on mate. However, if you'd been watching, you might have noticed I'd been playing keyboards since 1987. I even played a few gigs with a synthesizer perched awkwardly on the side of my drum kit. Of course, that may well have been before you were born.



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