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Sky High



Today I thought I'd upload a few pics taken from my back window. Vistas of weather and early evening sunshine. I like them.


I've Been Fired!

My job searching course has now changed. Instead of two sessions a week of two hours each, I now have to wade through a single four hour marathon of trawling through endless internet job sites looking for jobs within reach. Given the average attention span of a human being past his teenage years is a maximum of twenty minutes, I think you can understand what an endurance trial that is.


There are ways to avoid the ennui of constant job searching. One is a pleasant Slovakian woman - such ordinary pleasures are a welcome relief. The other is simply to act like an idiot. Now I don't necessarily mean go into some visual comedy routine - though I have done that - but simply to entertain yourself in ways you hadn't thought of.


Amongst the offers on display on my computer monitor was an offer of a CV review. Well I've had plenty of those already, but this one picqued my interest. It came from a consultancy company who deal with people earning


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