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The Price of Smugness



A few weeks ago I had my keyboard in for repair. Now I have one that works, I decided it was time to invest in a stand for it. It isn't really for pose value at all, I'm more concerned about heaps of boxes all over the floor with long bundles of audio cables going back and forth. Far better, I think, to make my home a little safer by arranging to put my instrument to one side.


I've been to the local music store about this twice already. They've been a little unwilling to supply me with a stand that meets my needs when there's a nice expensive one propped up against the wall. Despite the repeated promise from the salesperson that he'll ring me when he gets one in, I just know he's gambling that I'll get impatient.


He was absolutely spot on. Having lost my patience with his 'wait and see' tactics, I nipped on the internet and found one that suits my purposes just fine for half the asking price of his. It's these little moments of smugness that make the world seem a better place.


Irony of the Week

There is of course someone else who wants to be smug other than the music salesman and myself. I find it incredible how far some people will stick their nose into my business. Have they got no life of their own to worry about?


Usually I find this out because they want to annoy me by revealing that they know what I'm up to. This particular lady wants me summoned before a judge in a criminal court, charged with spending money I'm legally entitled to, minding my own business, and failing to demonstrate public depression over my circumstances.


You see, for some people, unemployment is something that must resemble a jail sentence or they get upset at the apparent freedom to sit on my backside. It is ironic that not sitting on my backside is the entire reason she's noticed I'm doing something. So by sticking a spanner in my works, she can can feel superior, and if I'm not mistaken, smug as well.


The great irony of course is that since I'm not doing anything remotely illegal it's entirely possible her actions will make me a good deal more smug than she is.



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