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Oh Boy, What A Christmas Eve...



My grandma (85 years old) was invited to have dinner with my mother, so we go there in the late afternoon to pick her up. She was almost ready, just need to brush her hair, get dressed and off we go downstairs to the car...


Well she slipped at the last staircase and bang there she was lying on the floor not able to move. We tried to get her up but to no avail. So we call the ambulance, they arrive pretty soon afterwards, moved her to the hospital and there they made x-rays examinations etc...


Well she has broken her left arm, and she got some bruises on her back, but not as bad as we thought at first. My grandma seems now in good hands, she got some pills for the pain, and we will of course visit her tomorrow again...It is now 11 in the evening and i haven thought of christmas once today (in austria we celebrate christmas on christmas eve)...


but in any case, merry christmas to everyone...


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