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Todays the day. My first job interview in months. The alarm clock was set, something I've not had to bother with since last year, and to be honest, given the humidity during the night it wasn't required anyway.


It takes me a leisurely forty five minutes to stroll down the leisure centre. The weather is cloudy but that humidity is still there. Lord knows what it would have been like had the sun come out. There are indications of storm clouds sweeping across the West Country this morning. Apart from an occaisional errant drop of rain, it remained warm and dry, so I arrived at the centre soaked with sweat instead.


Hi, my name's Caldrail, I'm here to see AG for a job interview....


"Oh..." Said the woman at the desk in suprise, "She doesn't work here. Hang on, I'll find out what's going on, please take a seat."


Okeedokee. Ten minutes past my interview slot I'm informed I have to see AG at another site, another forty five minutes away. "Is that all right?" The woman asked me. "Can you get there?"


Eventually, I answered, feeling a bit miffed.


Eventually I arrived at the other site. Eventually they collected me, and I was given an interview in front of three senior bods, something new for me. Never before have I been interviewed by a panel. Well it all went sort of okay. They're going to let me know how I did and whether I got the job. Eventually.


Beer Tent of the Week

By sheer chance I chose to wander home through Town Gardens yesterday afternoon. The siren of a police car sounded as I approached the south entrance. A police car? Inside the pedestrianised park? My imagination ran riot with images of dramatic arrests taking place.


As I reached the gate I noticed a line of flags set up along the hedge. Ahh... It's an event... And so it was. The Town Festival was taking place and families wandered around between all sorts of stalls and exhibits. My attention, naturally enough, was directed toward the beer tent, which for some reason was the only stall not doing business. Strange...


I asked the woman at the beer tent what was going on. At least it gave her something to do for five minutes. Apparently she was in competition with the beer tent down by the Town Garden Bowl, where the show was taking place.


It was a hot day. I'm sure she'll sell some booze... Eventually.


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