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Big Fish In Muddy Ponds



Yesterday may have been chilly, but once the sun broke out, it got warm with a vengeance. After an hours walk, I was sweating like nothing else. For a while, around midday, the sky was typically hazy with a few clouds peeking over the top. By the time I had gotten home, cumulus was building nicely.


Of course I should have realised. It's the Glastonbury Festival this weekend and how could our annual musical mudfest pass without torrential downpours? Would they get away with it this year? I only needed to wait.


This morning began with the garage across the yard pulling bits off cars. Then the mechanic suddenly stopped. I pulled down the duvet in bleary eyed suprise and noticed how dark it was. This is the end of June for crying out loud, almost nine o'clock in the morning, it should be bright out there. Then I heard the rain begin.


Looking out the front window, I saw the road submerged by water for almost a third of it's width, buses pushing bow waves ahead of them, and that's on a hillside. The amount of water coming down was stunning. Hmmm.... I think today I shall walk down to the library a little later...


Goodbye Farrah, Goodbye Wacko

Last night I watched the news reports of the passing of Farrah Fawcett, the blonde babe in the original Charlies Angels tv series of the 70's. I have to be honest, I always preferred Jacklyn Smith, but all the same another icon of my youth has gone.


And now Michael Jackson has gone too, the internet news site filled with articles about his cardiac arrest at the sadly young age of fifty. Wacko or not, the man had talent, he genuinely did.


There is something curious though. How shallow many of the recent stars seem compared to these people, almost as if they're simply living in the wake of the greats. I noticed the same thing about movie stars. Those familiar characters we used to see in their latest feature on the big screen seem to dwarf the reputations of the pretty-boy successors. At any rate, at least our latest two casualties did something with their lives. Most of their critics do nothing more than sit idely and pass judgement on everyone else. Apart from, that is, watching films and listening to albums in the first place.


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