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Letters and Stuff



By mid morning the postman has been and gone. In the postbox this morning are two more glosy menu's for takeaway food. They're going in the bin. I do like like my food but for the time being I shan't be buying anything more expensive than the budget label stuff from a supermarket. Aha! A letter. Another rejection note to add to my collection? Shortlisting has been completed but I'm not on it? Please don't get depressed and jump off a cliff?


At first glance the letter is different. More sheets of paper than expected. Have they included more than one rejection in the envelope? Hang on, the letter has a different layout of text.... Oh ye gods, an interview!


After I recover from the shock I notice something interesting. It's on the exact time and day that I sign on the dole. Coincidence? It does seem a little odd. Anyway, I wandered down to the Job Centre and showed them the letter.


"Oh just turn up at four o'clock and sign on with the lates." She shrugged. This all seems a bit odd. For an organisation that goes to great lengths to persuade me to turn up at a certain time on the day, and one that I've observed grilling those unfortunate dole seekers as to the reason why they were late, why are they so lackadaisical all of a sudden? Anyway, I persisted and got the woman to take down the details. She tapped the shoulder of a colleague and I got the same answer from her. Turn up at four o'clock and sign on. Right you are then. But I shall be miffed if some toe-rag starts interrogating me on the day. You just know it's going to happen.


Keyboard Disrepair

I am a little miffed as it happens. The music store told me the new internal battery would solve all my keyboard woes. No, it hasn't. The user bank is still as corrupted as it was when I manhandled it through the door. I have to say guys, that I'm not impressed. Thanks for fitting the new battery, but as an advert for your services, I'd have to say it's not going to attract any new business from me.


Oh No Not Again

Wow. Another offer of internet services plugged into my home. Yes, this is all very good chaps, but whilst the government is keen to get us all logged on it's also keen to get us to spend the money to enable it. And since the authorities haven't made any allowance for offsetting the cost, your glossy pamphlet goes in the bin.... I'm not going hungry to suit Gordon Browns dream of spying on everyone in Britain via the internet. There you go. Forgotten it already.


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